Megapost on my week in Kronos 3 well atleast most of it XD.

Hello everybody and welcome to the blog. This is what has been happening with my characters this week.

On Wednesday Ignos met a Furlbog friend in Astraanar :] yay!!! Oh no a Hordie came :[ why??? They left us alone :] yay!!! I guess they know the power of Furlbog friendship lol. Oh btw if you notice the screenshots being different it's because i'm using a different and better program now.

Yobrok joined a guild!!! It's named Accidentally and although he just joined this Wednesday it seem cool and the people there have been nice. It's for both Raiding and Leveling which is nice since it seem's most Horde guilds are for raiding. I'm not really sure about  popular Horde guilds since i haven't seen too many. You can try Momentum if you want as you can see in the chat it being advertised. Ignos is in the Stormwind Defenders a guild focused on doing leveling and dungeons [i think they might do Raids later when most people get to 60] It's led by Rubos and is a nice guild for older players but sometimes the chat can turn kind of weird. Dwarf Order and Emerald Circle are also some popular one's, but don't worry about finding a Guild just level and have fun with or without one [until you get to Raid though but it will be easy to find a Guild for that].

On Thursday Ignos had a action packed day. He ventured into the Dor'Danil Barrow Den to kill 3 crazy Druid ghosts.

As you can see i had no trouble with the first 2 but the last one was so OP. I could only bring him to half health at most because of his crazy heals and strong damage. I decided to go to Darnassus to repair my armor and get new spells.

Although i found this cool Ancient of War tree guy i found nobody to repair my armor [i think some people there do but i didn't find them], and no Warlock trainers. Although Darnassus looks cool i don't think it's that good of a capital tbh. I ended up going to the other capitals to do it.

I got a group and finally managed to finish it :] yay!!!!!

On Friday Yobrok did Ragefire Chasm and i made a guide about it. Check it out here.

On Saturday Ignos ventured into the Satyr capital of Xavian to find a lost Dryad there who was searching for the branch of Cenarius. I met this cool guy named Malcolmx there and he had the same quest so we grouped. We found the lost Dryad but as she was dying she told us that the Satyr Geltharis has the branch.

We killed him and took the branch but had to tell the Dryad's sister what happened. This felt very sad to me even though it's just a game. Dryads are happy creatures in nature they have no idea of the evil of these Satyr demons. I'm happy though she gave me another quest to kill Satyr's and collect 16 horns for revenge. I really hate Satyrs now even Goblins are better then them.

On Sunday Yobrok had an interesting adventure i'm about to talk about but first look at what happens when you use Track Humanoids in Orgrimmar XD.

Yobrok decided to gank some Alliance players in Elywn Forest [yes i know it's a starting zone but you have to start somewhere since he's level 15]. To get there first he went right outside Orgrimmar to the Zeppelin Tower. There the Goblin Zeppelin masters gave him a Zeppelin to take him all the way to the Eastern Kingdoms to Grom'Gol  Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale.

I arrived and got the flight point. I decided to take all my armor off so it won't be damaged once i get to Elywn Forest. I realized i look like the Orc version of Tarzan XD. Look at these screenshots to see what i mean.

My plan was to swim through this river since in the Southwestern Eastern Kingdoms there is this very long river that goes through multiple zones. Following it would eventually lead Yobrok to Elywn Forest. Stranglethorn Vale is the only zone that has hostile mobs in the river atleast i think so. Although i still managed to get past it without dying but trust me i was very close. I was now in Duskwood.

Yobrok even stopped by Westfall for a bit and he saw the Undead Defias Drones at Klaven's Tower.

Eventually he made it to Elywn Forest at Forest's Edge and he put his gear back on.

He stopped by the Stonefield farm and killed most of the Stonefield's but no civilians since that's dishonorable and he will get a dishonorable kill.

It was a challenge to find players flagged for PvP but Yobrok did and he got his first Honorable Kill!!!!!!

But then i got killed :[ why??????

Look at this thief stealing the Alliance's natural resources XD.

Yobrok attacked the Tower of Azora for a bit. The Servants of Azora were stronger then i thought tey would be but Yobrok was still fine.

This is how much of Elywn Forest Yobrok discovered at the end.

And this is how much HK he got. Not nearly enough as Ignos has but a promising start.

And at the end when Yobrok called it a day and started hearting back to The Crossroads a second before he was hearted there an actual second he was ganked XD. Atleast he made it back there in the end [: lol.

I hope you enjoyed this Mega Post of mine. Come back to this Blog to see updates about my characters Lore and other cool stuff.

Take Care.


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