Ragefire Chasm Vanilla WoW guide.

Hello everyone and welcome to the blog. Yesterday Yobrok did his first dungeon and had a fun experience in Ragefire Chasm [sorry i couldn't put it out yesterday i did most of it but had to leave and couldn't finish it]. This will be a guide for Vanilla Ragefire Chasm [i play on Kronos 3]. Let's begin.

First of all i must explain the lore. Ragefire Chasm is a series of cavers under the Horde/Orc capital Orgrimmar. It was first discovered by Gazlowe ruler of the Neutral Goblin port city Ratchet located in The Barrens. Soon after the Ragefire Trogg clan appeared there mysteriously. The Shadow Council is an organization that is pawns of the Burning Legion [the Burning Legion is a story for another time] run by Warlocks who have control over many cults working secretly to overthrow Thrall Warchief of the Horde. Thrall learns about this but knows it's too early for him to take direct action so he sends you to stop the Searing blade one of the cults now under the Horde/Orc capital Orgrimmar operating in Ragefire Chasm.

There are 5 quests for it [technically 6] 2 from Orgrimmar but 1 of the Orgrimmar quests is the main quest, 2 from Thunder Bluff and 1 from Undercity. You can look at them here. Yobrok only got the one's from Orgrimmar though.

To even start you need a group. Groups need 1 Tank [they go in front and hit the mobs so they are focused on them and are strong enough to take the attacks]. 3 DPS [Damage Per Second can be Melee Ranged or both they hit the mob while they are aggroed on the tank]. And 1 Healer who obviously heals everybody when their low. This is what everbody was from top to bottom.

Yobrok: Me obviously lol. Orc Hunter DPS both Ranged and Melee.
Proteus: Troll Hunter and also DPS both Ranged and Melee.
Fritzy: Orc Warlock DPS Ranged.
Keanuleaves: Tauren Druid Healer.
Bumknock: Tauren Warrior Tank.
Remember to come prepared with repaired armor, sell trash and bring empty bags to get the drops and if you're a Hunter like me bring lots of food for you're pet and arrows because you'll be shooting a lot.
The Entrance is in the Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar.
At this point we started and entered RFC [Ragefire Chasm].

First we killed the 2 Earthborer's at the entrance. We decided to do it early with only me the Healer and Tank cause we waited so long.

We killed the Earthborer's and at the end everybody else showed up but we accidentally aggroed the Molten Elemental at the end of the fight.

It caused 3 of us including me to die almost causing a wipe so please try not to aggro the Molten Elemental while fighting the Earthborer's We ran back and continued.

We killed the rest of the Earthborer's in our way and continued to the next room.

It was full of Ragefire Troggs and be careful here since there is a lot of them and they are very tough. If you fight too many you can get wiped easily.

And that's exactly what happened to us :p yeah real fun lol [i'm just joking this was very fun]. It should be fairly easy to kill them if you manage to pull this off right but we didn't. Just kill 1 at a time starting from the closest one to you until the next one is too close to other mobs he'll pull multiple with him. Usually it's 3 maybe more but they shouldn't be too hard to kill.

At this point the Warlock went offline and we weren't sure if he would come back or not. I unfortunately kicked him out since we needed another DPS and weren't going to wait [sorry about that but we wanted to do this with a 5 man group]. We ended up getting Smackyou an Orc Shaman to replace him. We just kill the Ragefire Troggs on the sides even though we didn't need to since we wanted XP. After that we continued on the main path.

Eventually we went up this path and found our first Boss Oggleflint Chieftain of The Ragefire Troggs. We tried to kill his adds first without aggroing him [additional enemies] but halfway through fighting them we accidentally aggroed him. Even then none of us died and we killed him but i still recommend trying to fight him with the least amount of adds possible.

Continue on the path and you'll see this Molten Elemental. He is alone and will be very easy for you to kill.

Continue up and you'll see this opening. Go and enter it.

Kill the few Molten Elemental's and head into the next room.

Here is where the real enemies are at the Searing Blade. Do the same thing you did with the Troggs with them. It should be even easier so you shouldn't have that much trouble.

Go across the bridges and kill the next couple of Searing Blade members on the platforms.

Eventually you'll find you're second Boss Taragaman the Hungerer. Some people might say to always kill the Adds first but in this dungeon i recommend killing the Boss first. The Adds aren't that strong to worry about and the Boss will die very quickly if everyone swarms him. Taragaman drops his heart which is what you need for one of the Orgrimmar quests.
At this point just rinse and repeat the same strategy you've been using to clear these platforms. Below are the next couple platforms.

At this point you'll encounter the third Boss Jergosh the Invoker second in command of the Searing Blade. You also need to kill him for the main quest. At this point you should know what to do for the rest of the dungeon. It's really repetitive but it's still pretty fun and really teaches new players how to do dungeons properly.

Near the entrance to the room on the right is a thing you can climb on. Climb it because you need to go this way to finish the dungeon. Clear the mobs up there and continue on you're path.

Clear up these last mobs here and you only have one challenge left.

Here is the fourth and last Boss the Satyr Bazzalan leader of the Searing Blade. You also have to kill him to complete the main quest. Most of the group started eating and drinking to replenish their health and mana. Eventually everybody was ready and we charged at them.

And we killed him!!!!!!!!!! Finally we finished this dungeon. Thank you everyone in the group. I think this was the best group i have had so far in Kronos 3 everybody was nice friendly and amazing.

Take Care.


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