Night Elf Lore part 1 [until Vanilla WoW].

Hello everyone and welcome to the blog. As you can tell by the title we will be discussing more WoW Lore and like i said before this time it will be about the Night Elves. I was originally planning to include some of the leveling Ignos had been doing so far in Arathi Highlands but i have quite a bit i want to talk about and i don't want it to be very long so i'll post that tomorrow. And i'm sorry about not posting about Yobrok for a while I've just been so focused on Ignos that i haven't gotten around to leveling him but i will continue doing that from now on and he did something cool today so look forward to that hopefully tomorrow. Now let's begin

The Night Elves were originally a tribe of Nomadic and Nocturnal Dark Trolls. Unlike other Trolls at that time they didn't care about land or power and instead wanted peace. In 15,000 BP [before dark portal] they settled near the Well of Eternity somewhere in Azshara on the continent of Kalimdor [although at this point Azeroth was a super continent]. The well was actually a scar of the world soul Azeroth [another thing to talk about another time yeah WoW has a lot of lore] and was filled with Arcane energies. These energies over time transformed the Dark Trolls into the Night Elves we know today. They also became smarter and gained immortality. Below is how they looked like.

The Night Elves began abandoning their Troll culture and started forming their own culture. They began worshiping a Moon Godess named Elune that they believe slept under the well during the day. The early Mystics also found a way to communicate with her. Records show this began on 14,000 BP but it's believed to have started before this but with more primitive methods. The Night Elves gave themselves the name Kaldoeri which means children of the stars in their native tongue. The Night Elves became curious and started exploring Kalimdor meeting many races who told the Wild Gods about their presence. The Kaldoeri soon met the Wild Gods and one in particular Cenarius who you might remember from the New Horde Lore adored them and he taught them about nature thinking they could be great caretakers of nature.

He was right and soon the Night Elves loved nature and built their society and culture upon it. They built their capital Elun'dris or the Eye of Elune in their native tongue around the Well of Eternity and over years continued to discover it's secrets. Overtime the Night Elves curiosity got the better of them and they became obsessed more and more with the well that they eventually learned how to wield it's arcane energies. Many Kaldoeri became sorcerers and grew very powerful. They soon started building temples and roads and magic became very important in their culture.

This is where we'll leave off for now. Sorry it's a bit short but this is just setting the building blocks we'll talk about some of the more interesting things in part 2.


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